Category : E-Books
Author : Ronald J. Comer
Publisher : WORTH Publisher
Year :
Page : 196
Language : English
File Type : Pdf
Size : 4,034 KB
Review : Abnormal psychological functioning is deviant, but deviant from what? Alexandra’s and
Brad’s behaviors, thoughts, and emotions are different from those that are
considered normal in our place and time. We do not expect people to cry
themselves to sleep each night, wish themselves dead, or obey voices that no
one else hears. In short, behavior, thoughts, and emotions are deemed abnormal when they violate a society’s ideas about
proper functioning. Each society establishes norms—
explicit and implicit rules for proper conduct. Behavior that violates legal
norms is called criminal. Behavior, thoughts,
and emotions that violate norms of psychological functioning are called abnormal.
Judgments of abnormality
vary from society to society. A society’s norms grow from its particular culture—its history, values, institutions,
habits, skills, technology, and arts. A society that values competition and
assertiveness may accept aggressive behavior, whereas one that
emphasizes cooperation and gentleness may consider aggressive behavior unacceptable and even abnormal. A society’s
values may also change over time, causing its views of what is