Friday, March 9, 2012

Art Theraphy Technique and Applications

Category       : E-Books
Author          : Susan I. Buchalter
Publisher      : Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Year              : 2009
Page              : 224
Language      : English
File Type       : Pdf
Size               : 9,38 KB
Review          : The clinician needs to assess which projects are suitable for the people he is working with, individually or in a group. Some of the tasks are more suitable to depressed clients and some may be geared toward seniors, schizophrenic and bipolar individuals. Each therapist must use his discretion when presenting an exercise. A few techniques might need to be broken up into two or three sessions if clients are slow and unfocused, or if there are too many steps involved. Schizophrenic individuals may benefit from more realistic based exercises while depressed clients may benefit from projects that require more focusing and abstract thinking. The
therapist may modify the projects to fit the specific need of the clientele.
Art therapy interventions provide a great many goals and benefits. I won’t repeat all the objectives in the Discussion/Goals section of the exercises, but the following are almost always present: creative communication, expression of feelings, concerns, hopes, conflicts and issues, socialization, problem solving, and enhancement of thinking and reasoning skills.
I will use the terms clients, group members and patients interchangeably, although some clinicians prefer the term client. In addition, it is politically correct to use he/she, but for simplicity I will be referring to clients as he most of the time.

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